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An Assessment is a comprehensive intellectual and emotional personality analysis, including information about opportunities for further development, prerequisites and the required period. Normally an assessment is carried out in one day (usually 8-9 hours) and a detailed report (10-15 pages) is drawn up with the following subdivisions:

  • job specification, profile of requirements, question
  • short general characterization
  • intelligence and thinking
  • vitality, emotionality
  • motivation, work and performance behavior
  • resilience, dealing with stress
  • social behavior, teamwork
  • leadership
  • summary, conclusion

If an assessment has already been performed some years before the current assessment, an additional chapter will be inserted:

  • comparison to previous assessment

There is a distinction between selection and development assessments. The former is usually commissioned by companies when there is a vacancy with a predetermined job profile to fill, and the candidate is to be compared with these expectations. The latter will usually assess the current potential of the candidate, in case proposals for further career development are desired, or in the context of a coaching, to clarify whether the candidate can either develop certain expected abilities, or to make better use of the potential, with a focus on the personality rather than on a particular position or function.

An assessment uses different techniques, from structured, semi-structured or free interviews up to tests in different areas as well as interactive exercises such as role-playing and similar, in the context of the defined observation criteria.

This is usually a service for companies that we offer in the section CACB Center for Assessment and Coaching.

Contact Fribourg

Petit-Schönberg 75
1700 Fribourg

Phone 026 322 26 00
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Contact Zurich

Seefeldstr. 69
8008 Zurich

Phone 044 388 54 74
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